Monday, June 15, 2015

Things taste sweeter when you've craved them - June 8th 2015

Well i unfortunately havent taken any pictures this week. 

Im sorry!

Youll have to just imagine my new companion until i can send a picture.
shes a tiny little pervuian next to a tall white girl ha. Shes really cute and is a good teacher. I love how she makes me people feel comfortable upon first meeting them and how much of a missionary she is. Shes so natural and unawkward ha. 
We are getting to know a lot of new people and its awesome. We share with everyone and anyone.
Well i had an hour to write you guys today but tomorrow is my pday. We who are ending the mission this transfer (or those in the capital at least) are going to the east mission tomorrow with president to visit the christofer columbus site. Im excited. i should hopefully have many pictures to send all of you next week. 
I just have one short little thought i want to share i learned this week.

So sunday was fast sunday and we were fasting. when it comes to taking the sacrament when we fast, we anticipate it more because we havent eaten in over 24 hours.. and then we take it we let it savor in our mouth... well at least i do. trying to soak it all up before having to take the water. 

I made an connection to the Atonement (the sacrifice) of Christ. Its a lot sweeter and means a lot more when we need it. When were struggling and need strength. Just how our bodies need strength from food so does our spirit. 

I know that this Christs church. I know He loves us and wants the best for us. He understands. 

(Alma 7:11~12)


I love you all



hermana hildman 

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